Corona Updates for Refresh Student Ministry
All new information will be added to this page. Currently updated as of 3/17/2020
Regular Wednesday Services
Tomorrow, Wednesday 3/18, will be a combined family prayer service. It will be our final gathering until the period of social distancing has passed. Our local government and the CDC has recommended limiting group interactions and physical contact with other individuals. This service will run from 7-8pm. There will be no nursery, kids, or youth activities this night. Attendance and participation in this service is fully voluntary, and we encourage and support you in exercising your freedom and discretion with yourself and your family for this night.
Following tomorrow night, ALL March services and activities will be canceled. We hope to resume all services and activities in April, but this will be determined and announced based on developments and regulations/recommendations to come in the days and weeks ahead.
We will continue to stay connected as a church. Gatherings and services will happen digitally. Announcements will be forthcoming about live stream events. We invite and encourage you to join us for those digital events.
The office will remain open for phone calls and emails. Our heart is to continue to minister to our community as best as we can. Please contact us if we can pray for you or serve you in any way.
Spring Retreat
Unfortunately, we are left with no other option but to cancel Refresh Spring Retreat. It breaks our hearts to do so, but it is the wise and responsible course of action. Sky Ranch itself will also be closing their retreat center for the time being. Thanks for your understanding. In the days to come, we will be refunding any payments made toward Spring Retreat.